вторник, 26 октября 2010 г.


На прошедших выходных меня сфотографировали для раздела уличной моды http://www.be-in.ru/streetfashion/218. Это всегда приятно)

Last weekend i've been featured in streetfashion section of http://www.be-in.ru/. It is always such a pleasure)

7 комментариев:

  1. Great look ^^ & very nice blog!
    Would you like to follow each other?

    Lots of love, Lisette

  2. you look so pretty!
    i think that your style is very good!

    im following you honey!

    kiss from poland!

  3. Hi there! just found your blog and I am impressed by your style! you look like a model!
    I would love to follow you, hope you'll follow me back! (:

    I really hope you'll check out my blog too, I'll have a great giveaway, when I reach 100 followers soon!
    So help me to get 100 followers soon!

    love and rockets, Lie

